Selling hard-boiled eggs to make money might seem a bit boring and un-challenging to the average young fellow looking for a first job. But who said sitting on a chair at a shop counter was part of it? What if the job required being hours on the prowl for customers, carrying dozens of eggs at a time - on your head? And it's eggs - in complete opposition to the sage warning to never put all your eggs into one basket! But that's OK, it's not a safe little basket, but a pyramid-style stack balanced on your skull! Good luck! Don't forget the yummy hot sauce! And remember: you can't sell broken eggs, so every wrong step, unexpected sneeze or a trip risks a cut in your sales and a vanishing profit margin! Can't be done? Think again and enjoy below how the young pros do it right here on TipTopduTop! Eggs-on-the-go! A few years of practice regularly porting things on one's head builds excellent posture and a surprisingly steady base for an unlikely towering pyramid of hard-boiled eggs, ready-to-eat, sold by striding sidewalk street hawkers everyday. A close inspection discovers all the necessary supplies neatly organized and tucked into the stack - clear plastic bags, spoons and a jar of red hot sauce to spice up the cooked eggs. It's a full service mobile station - the hawker peels the egg, daubs on it a dollop of hot sauce and neatly bags it up for the client to be eaten there or taken home to be eaten later. Enjoy more photos at: Travail at J'vois nice Africa!
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When it looks like an awesome daydream, but it's real! for all ages
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