#15: Pascal fills in and finds trouble A brand new classic-style investigator is solving crimes in only 1000 words of fast-paced short story fiction Mystery-Adventure: Inspector Pascal Mysteries 1000 INSPECTOR PASCAL MYSTERIES 1000
#15, The Seminar, ©2016-2023 by T.K. Naliaka “Inspector Pascal?” He took the note, read it, then left discreetly. Two police officers closed the big wooden doors. Pascal walked down the corridor to the large, broad-shouldered uniformed man standing by the elevators. “Sergeant Braque, I thought you were going to the precinct.” Braque glanced surreptitiously at the two officers at the other end of the corridor and whispered. “I came back. Sergeant Roscoe happened to mention to me that Captain Gryzynsky is in Spain.” “Spain?” Pascal blinked. “I don’t understand.” “The man who’s leading this seminar is not Captain Gryzynsky!” “Did he confuse him with another Captain Gryzynsky?” “No! There isn’t another Captain Gryzynsky! I just checked!” Pascal controlled himself from glancing back. He exclaimed disbelievingly. “Sixteen top investigators are in a day-long seminar with an imposter?” Pascal raised his hand to his head. “Are we all that gullible?” “We’ve never met Gryzynsky before. How were we supposed to know?” “Obviously no one else here has either or someone would have reacted.” Braque nodded, then he added. “The invitation was for Inspector Callahan; he sent you because he’s testifying in court all this week.” Braque glanced at the guarded wooden doors, then back at Pascal. “You know sir…that’s a lot of accumulated critical criminal investigation knowledge packed into one conference room.” Pascal frowned as he stared at the floor. He looked up. “That’s true. I’m the only junior investigator there. They’re all on the biggest cases.” Braque straightened slightly. “How many men does he have?” Pascal replied. “There are four - him, his assistant Tosi, and those two men posted right there.” “What do you want to do?” Pascal rubbed his neck. “I wonder what the plan is and how much time is left before he pulls the trigger.” “Why hasn’t he killed everyone yet? He’s got them!” “I can guess. There’s a lot of information being exchanged in there. Why not learn a few things first? They’re talking freely. They all have confidential clearances.” “The problem I see sir is: if we call in for reinforcements, everyone’s phones will be messaging. They’re all inside together; he’ll know and he controls the exit.” “First, we take back that control. Who is here, on-site?” “Sergeant Jann, Sergeant Vankat, Officer Leon, Officer Saradan - with us, that makes six.” Pascal glanced at his watch. “It’s forty minutes to noon lunch break. That’s the most likely time he could be exposed – everyone will turn on their phones, get their messages, one or two of them might have to leave. He’s got a perfectly closed and controlled environment for only a few more minutes.” “Not perfectly - not anymore, sir.” Pascal gave him a rueful smile. “That’s right, Sergeant.” Pascal and Braque walked together back to the conference room doors. Pascal stopped before the two guards, finished writing his note, tore off the small page and handed it to Braque. “If the forensics lab continues to give you excuses about why it’s taking so long for the DNA tests, call Inspector Diallo and get him on their backs. I’m going to be here all day, and we’ll need that information tomorrow by 2 p.m. latest.” Braque saluted. “Yes sir, thank you for intervening. Sorry to have bothered you.” Pascal glanced at the two uniformed men cautiously monitoring them. “I can’t just keep going in and out. Bring Sergeant Jann and SergeantVankat so they hear it directly from me, not just you.” Waiting, Pascal paced slowly just in front of the guards. He paused. Three sergeants strode quickly as if to meet him; he smoothly stepped aside and they charged. A minute later, Pascal slipped inside and went back to his seat. The imposter Gryzynsky clicked to the next slide. “In five years, the drug routes have shifted from this corridor to a new one further east.” Pascal leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. He watched Tosi lift several cardboard boxes from the floor to place them on the table. Gryzynsky paused to listen to Inspector Faraday. Pascal checked his watch. 11:42 a.m. “Pardon me!” Pascal raised his hand and stood up. Gryzynsky paused. ‘Yes?” “Do you have the longitude, latitude and GPS coordinates for this new corridor?” Gryzynsky looked at him. “Who are you?” “Inspector Pascal!” “I don’t recall having a Pascal on the list.” He held up his conference badge. “I am representing Inspector Callahan!” Gryzynsky exchanged guarded glances with Tosi. Pascal quickly walked forward to the podium as he pointed to the projected slide. “Do you have a zoom out picture so we can see exactly where this corridor is?” He walked around the tables, stopped beside Tosi, propped his hands on his hips, tipped his head and peered up at the big screen. Gryzynsky glanced at the room of investigators, their concentrations disrupted, slightly annoyed, shifting around in their chairs, glancing at their watches. Tosi reached out to rest his hand on a small cardboard box. Gryzynsky put his pointer down. “Excuse me everyone, one moment.” He walked past his audience to the doors. Pascal watched Tosi watching Gryzynsky. Gryzynsky raised his hand slightly and signaled with his fingers as he went out. The doors closed. Pascal’s hand shot out, seized Tosi’s wrist and Pascal slammed him hard against the head with his pistol. Sixteen top criminal investigators drew their handguns and leaped to their feet. The two big entry doors burst open. They all turned to see five stern-faced uniformed police. Sgt. Braque announced. “Our orders are to evacuate these premises! This seminar has been infiltrated by an imposter!” Inspector Groton called over, “Indeed! We have arrested him!” Perplexed, Braque hesitated. “No…we… arrested him.” They marched their suspect forward. Braque suppressed a smile, considering Pascal with his hands handcuffed behind him, in the firm grips of two top inspectors, “Sir! This is… unexpected!” Pascal replied dryly. “Somebody needs to stop them giving that accomplice first aid and put him into custody before he wakes up and detonates the explosives in those boxes on the table.” ©2016-2023 by T.K. Naliaka, All rights reserved Precisely 1000-word Fiction Mystery-Adventures of Inspector Pascal INSPECTOR PASCAL MYSTERIES 1000
#14, Persist by T.K. Naliaka ©2016-2023 Her head tipped back and her brown eyes were full of tears as she looked at the white disk of the full moon. “I have nothing.” He sat down as close as he could. “I don’t understand. Can you tell me?” She shook her head sharply. “No one understands. I give up.” “Ah… I don’t speak English all that well. It is my second language. Can you explain to me, in a simple way? What they didn’t understand?” She frowned slightly, then she turned her head to consider him. “That’s crazy! If everyone who speaks my language doesn’t get it, how can you?” He shrugged. “Sometimes you must... you know, rephrase it. Then sometimes there’s a better word or someone assumed you used a word a certain way, but you didn’t; you had the other meaning in mind. If you have to explain to someone like me - to help me understand, then sometimes it becomes very clear.” Her mouth curved ruefully, then she asked. “Can you say something to me in another language? I never met anyone like that.” He nodded, “Of course. What would delight you… a poem?” She laughed bitterly, “Delight me! What a thing to say! Nothing does anymore! Everything has been spoiled!” “Well, let’s try anyway.” He thought for a long moment then he recited: "Ils m’ont traque et pris au piège. Chez moi, ils m'ont fais prisonnier. La meute hargneuse m’assiège. Pourtant, je sais la liberté." The breeze tousled her long blonde hair as she gazed over the dark river. She looked at him at last. “That’s so pretty. What does it mean?” He told her. “It means this: "They hunted and trapped me. In my home they made me a prisoner. The ferocious pack besieged me. Still, I know liberty.” She gasped. “Is there more?” He nodded, “Of course. When a person cries out like that, they have much to testify. "À droit, la forêt très noire À gauche un pin couché, un lac ; Il ne me reste aucun espoir. Tant pis! Advienne que pourra !" She was listening intently. He explained. “To the right, a very dark forest, To the left a fallen pine, a lake; For me, there’s no hope left. So what! Come what may!” “My God!” She cried out, “How! How?” She reached out and gripped his hand. “More!” "Jusqu’au bout, je persiste à croire Que les envieux et les larbins Devront admettre la victoire À venir de l‘esprit du bien." He whispered: “To the end, I persist to believe That the envious and the minions Must admit the victory To come of the spirit of goodness.” He stretched his arms out and drew her close as she clung to him and wept. “It’s all right now. It’s time to take back your life from all that’s wrong and build it better and stronger. There’s no mistake you made that can’t be forgiven. Don’t carry that with you from now on. This time, you surround yourself with people who care about you.” They sat together as the night cooled and the moon set. His arms were warm against the chill, strong and protective. He murmured. “The moon departs to make way for dawn, a new day. See how beautiful it is?” She lifted her head from his shoulder wearily and looked at the river; the rippling liquid shifted from black to bronze as the golden light strengthened in the east. She rested her head against him again wistfully. “I’ve never seen that before.” “How much you didn’t notice was here, waiting for you?” She sighed. “Is it a dream, a magic fantasy that will vanish?” He replied. “Magic always vanishes, but what you have now is real. I will stay with you this new day, to show you what a true friend does, and you tell me who is good and who is bad, so you never go back again to what you fled. You were right to leave; just not on this path.” “They made me feel so worthless.” He shook his head. “If God thought you worthless, why did He send so many people to help you? Who in this city knew you were here?” She shook her head, “No one.” He raised an eyebrow. “You made sure, didn’t you?” “Yes.” She finally admitted. “I suppose… it is a bit unexplainable, when you put it that way.” “Will you come with me?” She sighed watching the dazzling golden rays of dawn illuminate the green of stirring city trees, light the glass of the buildings like copper mirrors. She nodded. “Here.” He reached between the steel bars and held on to her, then they stood up together and he guided her carefully as she stepped on the steel girders and then eased around the frame of the metal barrier. She hesitated when she saw the size of the waiting crowd, so he sat down. She sat next to him. Finally she asked. “Are you a preacher?” He shook his head. “I’m a homicide investigator.” She shrank away from him, so he explained. “I’m on holiday. I heard your city was beautiful so I came to see it.” She exclaimed. “You’ve never been here before!” “Never.” She considered him. “Disappointed?” He looked at her. “No! I work for justice for the dead. But that can’t ever bring them back. Sometimes, I need to help the living; to encourage me.” He shrugged wryly. “But, you know - we’re not quite all the way there, yet.” She took a deep breath, then she clasped his hand. “Ok. I’m scared, but I want to come back, now.” Together they stepped carefully along the beam. Many hands reached out and pulled them onto the tower platform. She turned to him. “I have a question, how did you know?” He slipped his hand inside his jacket, then held out a slightly crushed flower. “It’s not every day that a rose just drops out of the sky onto my head. So, I looked up.” by T.K. Naliaka ©2016-2023 All rights reserved The poem, Le Prix Nobel, 1959 by Boris Pasternak, author of Doctor Zhivago, from Fleurs d’encre, Français 3e, Bertagna and Carrier, Hachette Who's telling the truth? Inspector Pascal Mysteries 1000 #13 INSPECTOR PASCAL MYSTERIES 1000
#13, Verify by T.K. Naliaka ©2016-2023 “Inspector, I came back - our room was this!” She wiped tears from her eyes as her hand swept around at the disarray. “I’m frightened of him! He’s crazy jealous and wants to kill me!” From the hallway, Pascal considered the bedroom, then he stepped inside and walked slowly around without touching anything. Dresser drawers of disheveled lingerie were open, clothes that had been hung in the closet were dumped on the floor of the closet, half of the master bathroom towels and toiletries were strewn on the bathroom floor. He turned and came out of the bathroom. “You have nerve bringing a man home today - on our anniversary!” Pascal was still. A very angry man stood in the bedroom doorway with a large pistol in his grip. Pascal raised his hands slowly. “I’m Inspector Pascal, with the police department.” The man kept the pistol aimed at Pascal as he snorted sarcastically. “Good catch Verona! A detective! Covering your tracks?" She gasped. “No Jeremy! It’s not like that! He doesn’t mean anything to me!” Pascal considered her in her robe and nightgown, then the irate husband in his canvas jacket, jeans and work boots. He spoke up. “Sir, she called the police department with a complaint. I was dispatched to do the report. I take it that there has been a history of this?” Jeremy rolled his eyes at Pascal. “Nice try! Drop the fake accent” “Well,” said Pascal. “It would only be fair if you would take a minute to confirm my statements rather than dismiss them. I have my own life and plans, which didn’t include either of you up until ten minutes ago.” Pascal gestured slightly with his chin. “Permit me to give you my phone so you can call and verify.” She flushed. “This is ridiculous!” Pascal countered her dryly. “I don’t find having a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol aimed at me to be any sort of ridiculous, but a very serious and dangerous matter. I want him to confirm. There is no way we can communicate effectively if he doesn’t believe I am what I say I am, and more critically, the reason I am here, and I don’t like being accused of something I haven’t done.” She was conciliatory as she adjusted her robe. “Honestly, there’s nothing between us.” Jeremy ordered him. “Keep your hands up, turn around and put them on the wall, with your legs apart! Where’s the phone?” Pascal did as he was told. “It’s in my left pocket.” “Your gun?” “I have a belt holster on my right.” Pascal felt the gun press against his head, then Jeremy’s hand feeling along his belt then tugging out his pistol. A moment later, he was quickly frisked for any other weapons, relieved of his wallet and badge, then the man stuck his hand inside Pascal’s pocket and took his phone. “All right - sit down there with your hands on your head!” Pascal sat on the floor as Jeremy went back to the bedroom door to set Pascal’s gun and phone on the corner of the dresser so he could monitor Pascal as he scrolled through to peer at all the numbers on Pascal’s phone. Finally he demanded, “OK, which one?” Pascal replied. “Call SB.” He found the number and called. A moment later, Jeremy frowned, perplexed and looked at the phone as he heard a loud ringing. He turned around. Behind him a large, uniformed police officer pushed a pistol against his face. Sergeant Braque reached out quickly and yanked the gun out of the startled man’s hand. “Now, you sit down with your hands on your head!” Pascal climbed to his feet. “Thank you Sergeant!” Pascal held Braque’s pistol until Braque finished hand-cuffing Jeremy. Pascal jerked his head towards Verona. “Handcuff her, too." She stepped back, “Wha...?” Jeremy’s frown eased slightly when he saw Verona sitting on the floor like him with her hands secured behind her back with steel cuffs. Pascal collected his gun, wallet, badge and phone, then sat on the bed. “I need to check their records.” He was silent as he accessed the databases. Verona started to complain, “Is this really necess…” Braque glared at her. “Be quiet! He’s working!” She cringed. At last Pascal stood up. “I think you two have finally found the ultimate solution to your marriage incompatibility.” Pascal shook his head somberly. “Jeremy, you committed at least three crimes holding me here hostage at gunpoint, even for only ten minutes. You don’t seem to have any other history apart from a couple of speeding tickets, so this is rather sad, actually.” Pascal turned to Verona. “You however, tried to use us against him, hoping that he would be killed by either me or Sergeant Braque or he would have killed me – a murder by proxy. Either outcome would have suited you just fine – Jeremy dead or in prison, at only the cost of one life – possibly two, killed in the exchange of fire, just so you could move on with his money to your next conquest.” Jeremy paled as he stared at her, then he flushed. She shook her head, “No! That’s insane!” Pascal considered her coolly. “I have no problem asking the judge for leniency for him. Despite his fury, he didn’t shoot me outright and he did indeed give me the benefit of the doubt by agreeing to verify. You however, did not manufacture this confrontation just today. You planted the seeds of distrust early on so Jeremy would rush to get here at the precise moment he would find another man in his bedroom, which you provided by calling the police department. Then you kept feeding him insinuations that only served to make him doubt me, made him angrier, putting us all at greater personal peril. I will advise the judge that you are a very cold and dangerous person who should not be allowed to roam free any more to use, manipulate or harm other people.” by T.K. Naliaka ©2016 All rights reserved A brand-new classic-style Inspector is solving crimes
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